Team Kaylie is an upcoming comedy television sitcom produced by Netflix. it follows Kaylie Konrad (Bryana Salaz), a famous 19-year-old billionaire. Kaylie receives a community service court order to lead the Wilderness Club at an inner-city middle school.[1]
Team Kaylie stars Salaz as Kaylie Konrad, a rich, 19-year-old selfie-obsessed celebrity who receives a community service court order to lead the wilderness club at an inner-city middle school. When she is forced outside of her comfort zone in every possible way, she proves to her followers, the kids, and herself that she is more than just the pretty face her domineering mom-ager has always prized.[1]
- Bryana Salaz as Kaylie Konrad
- Rosa Blasi as Kit Konrad
- Symera Jackson as Jackie
- Elie Samouhi as Chewy
- Alison Fernandez as Amber
- Eliza Pryor as Valeria
- Kai Calhoun as Ray Ray
- Nicole Sullivan as Principal Dana
- David Gridley as Colt Axelrod
Part 1[]
- "Be-wilderness"
- "Invasion of the Lumberjerks"
- "Lights, Camera, Retraction"
- "Cut It Out!"
- "Wax On, Wax Off"
- ↑ 1.0 1.1 "Netflix Orders ‘Team Kaylie’ Comedy Series Starring Bryana Salaz". Deadline. Retrieved September 10, 2019.